Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Use Google Adsense to Make Money With Your Website

The Goal of AdSense

While the low cost of information distribution has lead to an increase of content, it has not lead to the creation of quality websites. There are many quality websites out there, but exceptional few in relation to the size of the internet.

One of the best ways for search engines to fight off this problem is by rewarding quality content. Obviously good rankings and large amounts of traffic help, but many of us are suckers for money...which AdSense can provide.

How AdSense Works

AdSense allows you to paste a small amount of code on your web pages which reads various on page and off page topics to determine what the page is about. Automatically AdSense will usually serve relevant ads to the page copy. AdSense allows you to split the ad revenue from these ads with Google. If AdSense can not determine what the page is about they will place public service announcement ads or alternate ads of your choice. 

Who is Adsense for?

Generally AdSense is for larger content websites. If your site is purely commercial in nature it is harder to get accepted to AdSense. Qualifying for AdSense should not be that hard though, as most commercial websites should provide more than just a commerce platform.

The web was created to allow the free flow of information. I am exceedingly more likely to buy off a person who provides details about their services or products. Unbiased reviews, free information, and user feedback gain credibility with your user, which will allow you to further expand your marketing leverage while increasing your pages views and your ad revenue.

Benefits of AdSense

I do not want to worry about many of the aspects of running a business. Right now I am limited in what I can do by the fact that I can only do so much myself. I have turned down many people because it is not possible for me to work on 100 sites at one time.

The other option for me is to make revenue from selling ad space. With AdSense I have no need to prospect for affiliate links and ad revenue. The process is 100% automated. A check get mailed out in the middle of the following month if my account is above $100 at the end of the month.

In addition, AdSense makes money if I go to sleep or go away for the weekend. It allows me to work even when I am not. Other than sharing revenue with Google, absolutely every aspect of monetizing market space is in your favor.

* If you want to block a competitors ad you can.
* As ad prices change the ad with the highest returns (ad price * click through rate) are automatically displayed on your site.
* There are over 150,000 advertisers using AdWords.
* Some people may even view your site in a positive light due to your affiliation with Google.
* As your content changes the ads do too.
* If ads are irrelevant they automatically get deleted due to a low click through rate.
* AdSense has multiple layouts and formats which will should be able to work well with your site.
Maximize AdSense Revenue

*Learn enough about a topic that interests you so that you can create a valuable resource.
*Build a linking campaign to drive traffic to your resource.
*Chose a topic which would interest you, consumers, and is financially well to do.
*Make pages which are focused enough that it is easy for Google to know which ads to place on the page.
*Try to keep your pages on the site topic. Do not create your asbestos web page on your site about Sesame Street.
*Test various layouts and positions.

Detailed AdSense Information

There is not much. Most people who claim to be AdSense experts parrot what is written on the dozen or so official AdSense pages.

Your ad layout should be different depending on many factors. Here are some examples of websites with the different layouts.

Much in the same way you sell a product, you want to be able to sell the ads. Thus it does not make sense to have the ads displayed in an offensively disruptive manner. The layout and design should blend. Google likes the tower ad, but ad layout should depends on different variables. If you throw your ads up in an offensive way you are killing off any long term loyalty you may have hoped to build.

- by Aaron Wall, author of The SEOBook .

Introduction to Language Pascal

History of Pascal

Rooted in the language Algol and PL / 1 in the 60's in continental Europe, Pascal Wirth Prof.Niklaus compiled by and published in 70 years of 71, tested at the CDC 6000 computer is the Turbo Pascal compiler and included high-level language.

- pascal is a high-level programming language because Pascal is a structured programming language

- The name pascal was taken from the name of a mathematician Blaise Pascal

- Pascal was designed by prof. Niklaus Wirthdari Switzerland

A. Create a directory:

· File-DOS Shell-Change directory by typing "cd \ .." (Change Dir) to look like "C: \>".

· If so, at C: \> type "md nama_direktori (eg: md lely_6H).

· Then enter.

* Type exit to exit from DOS

B. Fox Directory:

· File-Change Dir C-2x-click search directory name of each

· Repeat this every time you start pascal allows for all the exercises are stored in individual folders.

C. Starting a new program:

· File-New

· Saving Files:

· File-Save-Type the name of the file

· Explain Pascal Program Structure:

Pascal Language Structure

§ Title

<judulnya> Program;

Uses <unitnya>;

§ Section Declaration

Label <namalabelnya>;

Const <nama=nilai constantanya>;

Type <namatype:typedatanya>;

Var <nama_variabelnya>;

Procedure <nama_prosedurnya>;

Function <nama_fungsinya>;

§ Section Statement




1. Program Title

2. Block Program, consisting of:

§ The Declaration: variables, constants, labels, type, fungsidll

§ The statement: Begin Begin and end dg dg End. / content program

· Compile / Compiling, Process to check whether the program instruction error is correct / not yet. How: Compile-compile/Alt + F9

· Run, The process to compile once run the program. How: Run-run/Ctrl + F9

· Showing results program: ALT + F5

· Cleaning the screen / display: Clrscr (Clear Screen), using the procedure Crt Uses (Uses Catode Ray Tube).

· Extentation Pascal:. PAS

1. The command I / O

Entering data / input: Read = Enter data in the same row. Readln = Enter data per line.

Showing results / outputs: Write = Displays the output in the same row. Writeln = Displays the output line.

I2. Variables and Constants

Variable è worth of data changing in the program.

BU: Var Identifier: type of data.

È constants whose value data remain in the program.

BU: Const Identifier = value.

3. Reserved Word / Words Reserves

è are words which have been defined by turbo-pascal. Example: Program Begin, End, Var, Const etc.

Ex: an introductory program pascal;

Uses crt;


Writeln ('Meeting 2 ');

Writeln ('Pascal');

Write ('Meeting 2');

Write ('Pascal');



Ex: Program introduction 2;

Uses crt;


Name = 'name each';

Class = 'class each';


campus: string;



Writeln ('You Campus Location:'); readln (campus);




Exercise program;

Uses crt;


campus = 'Margonda';


name: string [20];

class: string;



Write ('NAME:'); readln (name);

Write ('CLASS'); readln (class);

Writeln ('You Campus Location:', campus);



Sample Program

The program listing

Uses Crt;


Writeln ('I');

Write ('Learning');

Writeln ('Turbo');

Write ('Pascal');

Write ('Version 7.0');


Press Ctrl + F9 to ekseskusi program

Press F5 to see results

The result:


Turbo Learning

Pascal Version 7.0

source by